8X! Expo: The Prescription for Intergenerational Well-Being & Joy

January 6-7, 2024

Multiplex at Cramton Bowl, Montgomery, Alabama



Welcome Message from Our Founder


Welcome to the 8X! Expo, where the grooviest of the groovy gather, including those who have witnessed the world before the birth of bell-bottoms and disco balls in 1973. It’s a grown folks’ party (50+ and up), and we’ve got moves that are older than some TikTok trends!  

Now, we’ve expanded our VIP list. If you’re a person living with a disability, you’re not just invited; you’re our guest of honor. We appreciate your unique perspectives and want to make sure 8X! is accessible and inclusive. We’ve got ramps, accessible restrooms, and a dance floor ready for your smoothest moves. So, strut your stuff, roll your wheels, or do whatever makes you comfortable because the 8X! Expo is for everyone who’s here to have a blast!

But, if you don’t fall into any of these categories, fear not! You can simply buy a ticket and join the party. Yes, you heard it right; it’s as easy as ordering avocado toast at brunch. No need to crash or sneak in – we welcome all party animals with open arms and a funky beat.

And for those who want in but don’t have a stash of cash, fret not! You can still join the fun as a volunteerNot only will you get to enjoy the wisdom of the ages, but you’ll also get some snazzy volunteer swag.

So, whether you’re here to groove, reminisce, or lend a hand, we’re delighted to have you at the 8X! Expo. 

Let’s make some unforgettable memories (or relive them) together!

XoXo Abeni Bloodworth

CEO & Co-Founder of Chromatic Black, Founder of 8X! Coalition

PS: Now, here’s a little bonus for you: We strongly recommend getting vaccinated before you join the party. It’s the responsible thing to do, like wearing platform shoes on the dance floor (okay, maybe not that responsible). But hey, we get it; life’s busy. So, if you run out of time, don’t worry! We’ll have a pop-up clinic on-site, making it as easy as a dance move to get a shot in the arm. By the time November 4th rolls around, the new COVID-19 vaccine will be ready, and you’ll be ready to boogie safely! So, whether you’re here to groove, reminisce, or lend a helping hand, we’re absolutely thrilled to have you at the 8 X Expo. Remember, it’s all about the funky beats, the timeless memories, and staying healthy while we party like it’s 1973!

Meet The 8X! Coalition- Alabama Members

Teresa Bettis

Danny Patterson

Celeste Reese-Willis, MD

Chief Medical Officer of Black Doctors Care

Dr. Drai

Co-Founder of Black Doctors Care & CEO of Medical Moguls

Nikeland Nichols

Carletta Davis

Vanessa M. Hall

Liżą Nicholson

Lisa Davis

Chandra Brown

Ramsey Spragg

Leave King

Take a Step Towards Better Wellness

Expo Overview

Let's 8X! your life

Embarking on a journey to “8X” your life means harnessing the subtle power of transformation and growth across multiple dimensions. It involves setting goals, making meaningful changes, and striving for harmony, love, freedom, and peace in various aspects of your life, whether it’s your career, personal development, health, relationships, or overall well-being.

The “8X” mindset asks you to figure out what’s happening in your life right now. It’s like taking a closer look and making plans to make different parts of your life better.

The “8X” mindset is like a superhero power that helps you see what’s going on in your life and make it even better. It’s about being brave, trying new things, and believing you can do amazing stuff. Whether you want to be super productive, super happy, or super successful, it all begins with a plan and believing in yourself. So, get ready to discover your superpowers and make your life awesome!

It’s about breaking through limitations, overcoming obstacles, and unlocking your full power to achieve pristine awareness, radiant joy, and freedom. 

Whether you aspire to 8X your productivity, happiness, financial success, or any other area, it all starts with a vision, commitment, and a plan of action.

This journey is not about quick fixes or instant gratification; it’s about sustained progress and continuous improvement. It requires kindness and compassion to everyone (including ourselves),  dedication, resilience, and the willingness to learn and adapt along the way. As you embrace the “8X” approach, you’ll discover that your potential is limitless and your capacity for growth is truly extraordinary.

So, are you ready to 8X your life? Let’s embark on this transformative journey together and watch as your aspirations become achievements, your goals become realities, and your life becomes a testament to what’s possible when you elevate your life to the power of 8X.

Let’s embark on a transformative journey to thrive across the eight dimensions of well-being. Our mission is to empower you to not just exist but to truly flourish in every aspect of your life. By focusing on the eight dimensions of well-being—emotional, physical, social, occupational, intellectual, spiritual, environmental, and financial—we aim to help you attain a state of joy.

Thriving in these 8 DIMENSIONS means:

Emotional Well-Being

Cultivating emotional resilience, managing stress, and fostering a positive mindset to navigate life’s challenges with clarity, grace, and optimism.

Physical Well-Being

Prioritizing your health through balanced nutrition, regular exercise, and restorative sleep to achieve vitality and longevity.

Social Well-Being

Building fulfilling relationships, fostering a sense of belonging, and nurturing a support network that enriches your life.

Occupational Well-Being

Finding purpose, satisfaction, and growth in your work or chosen activities, allowing you to excel in your professional and personal pursuits.

Intellectual Well-Being

Nourishing your curiosity, expanding your knowledge, and embracing lifelong learning to stimulate mental agility and creativity.

Spiritual Well-Being

Cultivating a sense of reverence, purpose, inner peace, and connection to something greater, guiding you on a path of self-discovery and transcendence.

Environmental Well-Being

Maintaining harmony with your surroundings, promoting sustainability, and creating a safe, nourishing environment that enhances your well-being.

Financial Well-Being

Managing your financial resources wisely, setting achievable goals, and reducing stress related to financial matters to secure your future.

Our commitment is to guide you through this journey, providing insights, strategies, and support tailored to each dimension of well-being. Together, we’ll explore the depths of your potential, helping you reach new heights across these eight domains and thrive in every facet of your life.

Are you ready to embrace this holistic approach to thriving? Let’s embark on this remarkable voyage towards a life filled with purpose, vitality, and fulfillment across all dimensions of well-being.

Why Attend

Why Crash the 8X1 Expo?

Okay, folks, gather ’round because we’re about to decode the secrets of why you absolutely cannot miss the 8X1 Expo!

The 60 is the New 100 Scoop: Word on the street is that 60 is the new 100, and all you need to do is avoid those “oops, I shouldn’t have done that” moments. Congrats to all you half-centurions out there; you’re already halfway to becoming a centennial superstar. And guess what? This party isn’t just for you; it’s for your entire entourage of family and friends who care about you (and are ready to party)!

Life’s a Marathon, Not a Sprint: You’ve got the wisdom of a library and more stories than Netflix – and that’s not even an exaggeration! At 50 (or wherever you are on the age spectrum), you’ve braved the storms and basked in the sunshine. So, let’s party like there’s no tomorrow, minus the “oops” moments.

Celebrate Your Epic Journey: We’re here to raise the roof and celebrate your epic journey – the victories, the lessons, and the wild tales you’ve gathered along the way. This party isn’t just for the legends who’ve lived life to the max; it’s also for those who’ve faced life’s curveballs head-on, regardless of ability.

Fantastical Fiesta: Get ready for a fiesta that’s more fabulous than a unicorn riding a rainbow! We’re talking toe-tapping music, taste-bud-tingling food, and an atmosphere so electric it could jump-start a city.

So, whether you’ve reached the big 5-0 or you’re living life with flair and a disability, this party is your moment to shine. Grab your glass (or a sparkly non-alcoholic beverage if that’s more your style), and let’s toast to your awesomeness! 

What’s in the Goodie Bag? Listen up, friends, because we're about to unravel the mysteries of why you absolutely, positively, can't-miss-this-event should attend the 8X1 Expo!
  • Health Cheat Codes Unleashed: Ever wished life came with a cheat code? We’re here to spill the beans on the ultimate health cheats for those who’ve hit the big 5-0. Get ready for the inside scoop on how to level up your well-being game without any dumb moves.
  • Black Doctors Extravaganza: Imagine this – it’s like a superhero convention, but for health! We’ve got an incredible 100+ Black doctors in the house. It’s like having the entire Justice League show up, but instead, it’s the Health Heroes League.
  • Meet the Health Superstars: Get ready to meet the real-life Avengers of the health world! We’ve got a crew that can rival any superhero squad. Think physicians, midwives, doulas, nurses, and a bunch of other experts who not only know their stuff but also happen to hail from Black and Brown backgrounds. And if you thought the Avengers were cool, just wait until you cross paths with this epic team of over 100 Black physicians who’ll be there to drop some knowledge bombs!
  • Business Dreams: Got dreams of starting a business? Well, this is your golden ticket! We’ll sprinkle entrepreneurial wisdom like confetti. You’ll leave with more business ideas than a brainstorming session on a sugar rush.
  • App-tastic Ideas: Ever had an app idea that could change the world (or at least make life a bit more entertaining)? You’re in luck! We’re diving into the digital universe, and you’ll get more app inspiration than a tech guru at a brainstorming buffet.
  • Change-Maker Vibes: Want to make the world a better place? Join the ranks of world-changers at the 8X1 Expo. We’ve got tips and tricks to turn your dreams of making a difference into reality, and it’s easier than you think!
  • Political Ambitions: Thinking about running for office? Whether you want to be the mayor, senator, or just the president of your local book club, we’ve got the scoop on how to kick-start your political career. Get ready to campaign like a pro!
  • Grandparenting 101: Parenting your grandkids? We’ve got you covered. Get expert tips on grandparenting that’ll make you the coolest grandparent on the block. Think of it as your guide to becoming the Mary Poppins of grandparents!
  • Love Quest: Looking for love? It’s never too late to find your soulmate. We’re here to help you navigate the world of dating, love, and companionship like a pro. Get ready for some heartwarming insights and maybe even a little romance!
  • Radical Reimagination: Let’s redefine what it means to live fully after 50. It’s time to toss out the rulebook and embrace life like never before. Get ready for a journey of radical reimagining, where the sky’s the limit!
  • Master the Eight Dimensions of Well-Being: Ever heard of harmonizing across eight dimensions of well-being? Well, we’ve got the tips and tricks to help you become a well-being wizard. It’s more than just eating kale salads and doing yoga; it’s about finding balance in all aspects of life.
  • 401K Magic: You’ve got that 401K, but do you know how to flip it like a pro? We’ve got the answers, and we’re not talking about turning it into Monopoly money. It’s time to make your financial future as bright as a supernova.
  • Thriving in the Next Decade: The next decade of your life is like a blank canvas, and we’ve got the paintbrushes of wisdom to help you create a masterpiece. We’re talking about answering all your burning questions on thriving and conquering the world, one day at a time.
  • Health Perks Galore: Brace yourself for the health freebies of a lifetime! We’re talking free health screenings, vaccinations, consultations, and access to mental health and other rare healthcare goodies than a Tupac sighting.
  • Smart Seminars and Workshops: Imagine a world where health talks are as engaging as your favorite video game. That’s what we’ve got in store with seminars, workshops, and panel discussions led by experts. It’s like a health TED Talk but with way more pizzazz.
  • Well-Being Unleashed: It’s time to realize that well-being isn’t just skin deep. It’s about the whole package, baby! We’ll explore the eight dimensions of life and well-being, helping you become the best version of yourself.

So, why bother with the 8X Expo? Because we’re here to spill the beans on the secrets to living your best life, no holds barred! Grab your ticket, and let’s embark on a journey that’s as exciting as a rollercoaster and as enlightening as a library with a sense of humor. It’s time to thrive, baby!

Key Features

Key Features of the 8X! Expo

Kid Zone

We propose the creation of a dedicated “Kid Zone” within the expo where children and families can participate in activities that promote well-being and joy. This zone will feature interactive games, storytelling sessions, arts and crafts activities, and educational workshops tailored to younger attendees. By including a Kid Zone, we aim to cater to the well-being of all generations within our community and emphasize the importance of family connections.

Vaccination Clinic Details

Influenza Vaccinations: Offer attendees seasonal Influenza (flu) vaccinations. Influenza vaccinations are crucial for preventing the flu virus spread, particularly among seniors and individuals with disabilities who may be at higher risk of complications from the flu. COVID-19 Vaccinations: Administer COVID-19 vaccinations to eligible individuals in alignment with current public health guidelines. This service will contribute to the ongoing efforts to protect the community against COVID-19 and enhance overall well-being.

Interactive Activities:

The expo features engaging activities that encourage experiential learning. Attendees can take part in wellness-focused workshops, hands-on demonstrations, and group discussions to deepen their understanding of each dimension.

Networking Opportunities

The event provides a platform for attendees to connect with like-minded individuals, professionals, and organizations committed to promoting well-being across generations. Networking sessions facilitate the exchange of ideas, experiences, and resources.

Qualified Medical Personnel

Ensure that the clinic is staffed by qualified medical professionals who can administer vaccines safely and provide essential information about both Influenza and COVID-19 vaccines.

Vendor Exhibitions

Vendors aligned with the eight dimensions of well-being will showcase innovative products, services, and solutions. These offerings cater to diverse aspects of health, promoting physical fitness, emotional resilience, financial literacy, and more.

Wellness Sessions

Led by experts, these sessions cover a range of topics, from research to evidence-based health practices.

Educational Resources

Offer educational materials and resources about the importance of vaccination, potential side effects, and the benefits of being vaccinated against Influenza and COVID-19. This will empower attendees to make informed decisions about their health.

Health Screenings

Offering tests like blood pressure checks, cholesterol assessments, glucose tests, BMI measurements, vision/hearing tests, and others tailored for seniors and individuals with disabilities.

Safety Measures

Implement rigorous safety measures and hygiene protocols to ensure the well-being of attendees and medical staff during the vaccination process.

Fitness Workshops

Activities led by qualified trainers, including yoga, strength training, dance, and aerobics.

Mindfulness and Stress Management

Seminars and workshops focused on mental well-being, meditation practices, and stress-relief strategies.

Educational Seminars and Workshops

Expert speakers and facilitators will lead educational sessions that delve into each dimension of well-being, providing participants with in-depth insights, strategies, and practical tools for enhancing their overall quality of life.

Community Engagement

Group activities, networking events, and forums for shared experiences.

Free Farmers Market

Featuring local agricultural products and cooking demonstrations to promote health-conscious eating.

Truthful History Tour & Story-Sit-ins

Educational programs promoting truthful narratives about historical events.


Prepare to be informed, inspired, and empowered by a distinguished lineup of expert speakers addressing health disparities within the Black and Brown communities at this year’s 8X Health & Wellness Expo.
Our speakers are passionate advocates, researchers, and practitioners dedicated to addressing the critical issues that disproportionately affect people of color when it comes to health and well-being.
Join us as these exceptional speakers shine a spotlight on the complex and often overlooked challenges faced by Black and Brown individuals in their pursuit of health and wellness. They will delve into topics such as healthcare access, systemic inequalities, cultural competence, mental health stigma, and much more.
These experts are not just well-versed in the issues; they are actively working to effect change and drive solutions. They will share their insights, experiences, and strategies to help bridge the gap in health disparities, offering tangible steps to navigate the healthcare system, promote wellness, and advocate for better health outcomes for communities of color.
At the 8X Health & Wellness Expo , you’ll have the opportunity to engage with these dedicated speakers, ask questions, and gain valuable knowledge to empower yourself and your community. Together, we can work towards a future where health disparities are a thing of the past, and everyone has equal access to the resources and support needed to thrive. Join us in this essential conversation and journey towards health equity.


Dr. Drai

Obstetrics & Gynecology Physician 

Dr. Jaquel Patterson

Naturopathic Doctor

Dr. Anissa Jones

Chiropractic Doctor

Dr. Delicia Haynes

Family Medicine Physician

Dr. Leslie Sharpe

Functional Medicine Physician

Dr. Hassan Akinbiyi

 Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation Physician

Dr. Ericka Goodwin

Psychiatry Physician

Dr. Monique May

Family Medicine Physician

Dr. Kelechi Uduhiri

Preventative Medicine Physician

Dr. Lisa Herbert

Family Medicine Physician

Dr. Cyntrell Crawford

Psychiatry Physician

Dr. Celeste Reese Willis

Family Medicine Physician

Dr. Tracee Short

Burn Physician

Dr. Carol Penn

Obesity Medicine Physician 

Our Speakers Have Been Featured On:


Exhibitor Information:

Discover the Future at 8X! Expo

Welcome to the 8X! Expo, where innovation meets opportunity. Our exhibitors are at the forefront of cutting-edge technology, groundbreaking products, and well-being services that are shaping the future of healthcare, aging, and well-being.  Dive into a world of possibilities as you explore a diverse range of industries, from tech and healthcare to sustainability and beyond. Our exhibitors are ready to showcase their expertise and engage with you to forge new partnerships and collaborations. Get ready to be inspired, network, and unlock a world of potential at 8X! Expo.

8X! Expo Health and Safety Measures

At the 8X! Expo: Prescription for Intergenerational Well-Being and Joy, the health and safety of our attendees, volunteers, exhibitors, and staff are our top priorities. We have implemented comprehensive health and safety measures to ensure a safe and enjoyable event experience for everyone. Please review the following guidelines:

1. Face Coverings:

  • Face masks are encouraged for all attendees, especially in indoor settings and crowded areas.
  • Complimentary masks will be available at designated stations throughout the venue.

2. Social Distancing:

  • Please practice social distancing by maintaining a distance of at least 6 feet from others when possible.
  • Respect capacity limits in indoor spaces and seating arrangements designed to facilitate distancing.

3. Sanitation and Hygiene:

  • Hand sanitizing stations will be readily available throughout the venue. We encourage frequent hand sanitization.
  • Enhanced cleaning and disinfection protocols will be in place, focusing on high-touch surfaces and common areas.

4. Vaccination Clinic:

  • A vaccination clinic offering Influenza and COVID-19 vaccinations will be available on-site.
  • We encourage eligible individuals to get vaccinated to protect themselves and the community.

5. Health Screenings:

  • Health screenings, including temperature checks and wellness assessments, may be conducted at entry points.
  • Attendees displaying COVID-19 symptoms are kindly requested to stay home and seek medical advice.

6. Kid Zone Safety:

  • In the Kid Zone, we will ensure age-appropriate safety measures and supervision for children’s well-being.
  • Parents and guardians are encouraged to accompany their children in the Kid Zone.

7. Food and Beverage Safety:

  • Food and beverage vendors will adhere to strict health and safety guidelines.
  • Seating areas will be arranged to allow for social distancing while dining.

8. Outdoor Activities:

  • Outdoor activities will be structured to promote distancing and safety.
  • Masks may be required for specific outdoor activities with close proximity.

9. Compliance:

  • All attendees, volunteers, and exhibitors are expected to comply with these health and safety measures.
  • Non-compliance may result in restricted access or removal from the event.

10. Stay Informed:

  • Stay updated on event information and any changes to health and safety measures through our official event communication channels.

The 8X! Expo organizers are committed to creating a safe and welcoming environment for all participants. We will continue to monitor public health guidelines and adjust our safety measures as needed to prioritize the well-being of our community.

Thank you for your cooperation and understanding. Together, we can make the 8X! Expo a safe space for everyone.




8:00 AM – 6:00 PM


4:30 PM – 7:00 PM


Sponsorship is like wearing a neon-green tuxedo to a black-tie event – you can’t help but stand out. It’s your golden ticket to exposure that’s brighter than the sun (and hotter than a jalapeño eating a habanero). When you become a sponsor, you’re not just a participant; you’re the star of the show, the Beyoncé of the expo world, the one everyone wants to rub elbows with (figuratively, of course, because actual elbow-rubbing is so 2019).

But wait, there’s more! Sponsorship isn’t just about being seen; it’s about networking like a pro. Imagine mingling with industry bigwigs, swapping business cards faster than a blackjack dealer, and making connections that could launch your career into the stratosphere. It’s like speed-dating for professionals, but with less awkward small talk and more meaningful connections.

So, why settle for mediocrity when you can be the shining star of the expo? Sponsorship isn’t just a checkbox on your marketing to-do list; it’s the key to unlocking doors you didn’t even know existed. It’s your chance to be the trendsetter, the tastemaker, the disruptor. So, don’t be a wallflower – be the life of the expo party! Sponsorship: because blending in is for chameleons, and you’re anything but ordinary.

Why Sponsor

Picture this: A group of individuals who have aged like fine wine and added their unique twist to the aging process. We present to you the enigmatic target audience of the 8X! Expo is a gathering of seasoned individuals who have mastered the art of aging with style, flair, and a touch of pizzazz.

Why Sponsor the 8X! Expo?

  • Epic Exposure: Picture this – you, your brand, and 10,000+ vibrant souls aged 50 and up in one room. That’s a whole lot of eyeballs on your name, my friend. It’s like being the star of the show at a galaxy-themed extravaganza.
  • Target Audience Extravaganza: Our audience isn’t just any audience; it’s the crème de la crème of experienced, knowledgeable, and adventurous souls. They’re a goldmine of potential customers who know what they want and aren’t afraid to go after it.
  • Health Hack Heaven: If your brand aligns with well-being, health, fitness, or life enrichment, you’re in the right place. The 8X! Expo is all about uncovering the secrets to living your best life after 50, and that’s where you come in!
  • Party of the Century: The 8X! Expo isn’t just an event; it’s a party! And who doesn’t want to be the life of the party? With your sponsorship, you’ll be front and center at the shindig that’s more thrilling than a rollercoaster designed by Einstein.

Who's Hanging Out at the 8X! Expo?

Meet our stellar audience:

  • Age: 50 and Up: We’re talking about the wisdom of experience and the zest for life that comes with it. These folks aren’t just attendees; they’re adventurers ready to embark on the next chapter of life.
  • 10,000+ Attendees: It’s not a typo; we’re expecting a whopping 10,000+ attendees who are excited to soak up knowledge, enjoy epic entertainment, and explore the best life has to offer.
  • Vibrant and Adventurous: Our audience doesn’t believe in slowing down. They’re ready to tackle new challenges, explore exciting opportunities, and celebrate life like it’s a never-ending party.
  • Knowledge Seekers: Our audience is hungry for knowledge from health and wellness to financial wisdom and personal growth. They’re always on the lookout for brands that can help them achieve their goals.

So, why bother with the 8X Expo? Because we’re here to spill the beans on the secrets to living your best life, no holds barred! Grab your ticket, and let’s embark on a journey that’s as exciting as a rollercoaster and as enlightening as a library with a sense of humor. It’s time to thrive, baby!

Sponsorship Opportunities:

Sponsoring the 8X! Expo isn’t just a partnership; it’s your ticket to a universe of possibilities. Join us, and let’s create an unforgettable experience that’ll leave our audience buzzing about your brand. This form is designed to gather essential information about your organization and your sponsorship preferences. Your responses will enable us to tailor a sponsorship package that aligns seamlessly with your objectives and ensures a mutually beneficial partnership. Get in touch with us today, and let’s set the stage for an expo that’s more electrifying than a lightning storm at a disco!

Sponsorship Prospectus


Sponsorship is like wearing a neon-green tuxedo to a black-tie event – you can’t help but stand out. It’s your golden ticket to exposure that’s brighter than the sun (and hotter than a jalapeño eating a habanero). When you become a sponsor, you’re not just a participant; you’re the star of the show, the Beyoncé of the expo world, the one everyone wants to rub elbows with (figuratively, of course, because actual elbow-rubbing is so 2019).

But wait, there’s more! Sponsorship isn’t just about being seen; it’s about networking like a pro. Imagine mingling with industry bigwigs, swapping business cards faster than a blackjack dealer, and making connections that could launch your career into the stratosphere. It’s like speed-dating for professionals, but with less awkward small talk and more meaningful connections.

So, why settle for mediocrity when you can be the shining star of the expo? Sponsorship isn’t just a checkbox on your marketing to-do list; it’s the key to unlocking doors you didn’t even know existed. It’s your chance to be the trendsetter, the tastemaker, the disruptor. So, don’t be a wallflower – be the life of the expo party! Sponsorship: because blending in is for chameleons, and you’re anything but ordinary.


Customized Lounge on the Show Floor



This lounge is a meeting place on the show floor where exhibitors and attendees can relax, meet, and network. In addition to signage, your logo is on an overhanging banner, so no one can miss it!

Opening Night Reception on Show Floor


Limited to 3 sponsors 

Align your organization with the Opening Night Reception –a high-energy event to kick off the exhibition and provide an opportunity for attendees and exhibitors to see old friends and make connections anew, along with yummy food and drinks, music, and fun.

Executive Room Drop



Get noticed. Exclusive sponsor of special welcome bags delivered to the 8X! Board of Directors; this will include the official 8X! name badges so they can skip the registration line.

Lunch on the Show Floor (Monday PM)


Limited to 3 sponsors

Keep attendees nourished and energized for the rest of the day by sponsoring lunch. Your organization’s logo will be prominently displayed on signage and on the tables.

Breakfast on the Show Floor (Monday AM)


Limited to 3 sponsors

The most important meal of the day! Help attendees get charged as they eat, caffeinate, and network over breakfast. Benefits include the company logo printed on signage and on the tables.

Networking events

First impressions are important! Be a part of the first stop for all conference attendees as the sponsor of the registration check-in area. Your company logo will be prominently displayed at the registration check-in area for the duration of the event.

Serious networking opportunity. Sponsorship includes an invite for two to this exclusive reception with the ACI-NA airport board, commissioners, and airport directors; logo recognition at the event as well.

Be a part of this special networking opportunity at this exclusive breakfast and receive two invitations and logo recognition.

Coffee is the fuel of conferences. Attendees enjoy a refreshment recharge and will have your company to thank.

This exclusive sponsorship provides exposure at the most highly attended event of the entire conference. In addition to signage, your sponsorship includes a two-minute introduction and VIP reserved seating for four members of your organization.

Get noticed with this exclusive sponsorship, which in addition to signage, includes a two-minute introduction and VIP reserved seating for four members of your organization.

When you sponsor an education session, you align your company with that subject matter. Benefits include a logo on signage at the session, a logo on transition slides at the session, the ability for a member of your organization to be a speaker, and the ability to distribute either a handout or brochure at the session.

When you sponsor an education session, you align your company with that subject matter. Benefits include a logo on signage at the session, a logo on transition slides at the session, the ability for a member of your organization to be a speaker, and the ability to distribute either a handout or brochure at the session.

Your opportunity to deliver an interactive 30-minute presentation directly to your target audience in an exhibit hall classroom.

Branding opportunities

This striking and memorable collateral sponsorship places your logo next to the name of each attendee – providing maximum visibility for the duration of the conference.

As the official sponsor of the conference mobile app, your company logo will be at everyone’s fingertips. Put your mark on this valuable resource that attendees use before, during, and after the conference for all the up-to-date information – a resource more valuable than ever with the elimination of the printed on-site guide/agenda.

Your logo is printed on bags offered to all attendees in the registration area – making it one of the most visible branding opportunities at the conference.

Escalators are the main egress where attendees travel between sessions, registration, and the exhibition hall. Get your company’s message in front of attendees by sponsoring one of these sets of escalators with this unique advertising vehicle.

The locator boards, including a full exhibitor list with the floor plan and booth numbers, will prominently display your logo for all users.

Attendees use the aisle signs to guide them through the exhibition hall. Your logo appears on every aisle sign, giving your company constant exposure to all attendees as they walk the show floor.

Water-filling stations allow attendees to stay hydrated and take a break.


Welcome to the FAQs section, where we’ll tackle your burning questions about the 8X! EXPO – an event so groovy, it makes disco look like a warm-up act!

Get ready to groove like it’s the ’70s, but with an added dose of well-being magic! The 8X! EXPO is your ticket to exploring and nurturing well-being across eight dimensions. It’s a transformational journey you won’t want to miss.

It’s a star-studded cast of organizers, including the Southern Alabama Area Health Education Center, Black Doctors Care™, the National Council of Aging,  Coached Up, The National Black Mental Health Network, MEJAC Mobile Environmental Justice Action Coalition, PUSH Perseverance Under Severe Hindrances, and Southwest AHEC. It’s like the Avengers but with stethoscopes and kale salads, here to equip you with super tools for a healthier life.

It’s like unlocking your inner superhero! Figure out what’s happening in your life right now, set some epic goals, and go after them with gusto. Whether you want to be super productive, super happy, or just super yourself, it starts with a plan and a belief in your own awesomeness.

It’s like having a superhero power to see what’s going on in your life and make it even better. Think of it as believing you can do amazing stuff, trying new things, and breaking through limitations. It’s like turning your life into a blockbuster movie.

Sorry, no shortcuts to superhero status. This journey is about real progress and continuous improvement. It takes kindness, resilience, and the willingness to learn. But trust us, it’s worth it!

We strongly recommend getting vaccinated before joining the party. And if you’re running out of time, don’t sweat it! We’ll have a pop-up clinic on-site. By November 4th, you’ll be dancing safely with the new COVID-19 vaccine.

Mark your calendars for Saturday, November 4, 2023, from 10 a.m. CT to 6 p.m. CT at the iconic Cramton Bowl in Montgomery, Alabama. It’s the day and place where well-being and grooviness collide!

Just follow the beat to our registration page and secure your spot. It’s the first step on your journey to well-being greatness.

Absolutely! And if you can make it dance, even better.

Of course! Grab tickets for your crew and embark on this well-being adventure together. The more, the merrier!

That’s a wrap for the FAQs, groovy wellness seekers! Remember, at the 8X! EXPO, it’s all about good vibes, funky rhythms, and making your life as awesome as it can be. Let’s boogie and well-being our way to an incredible November 4th!